Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lacy Green to Vintage Theme

Back again!! It's been ages! Hubs and I are planning to relocate to ATL!!! I'm so excited! It's becoming the Hollywood of the Southeast, and hopefully this will further my acting career significantly. In the meantime, I was busy and unmotivated for refashions, then suddenly did three! Here's the first one, which I'm most excited about!

I actually found a dollar per pound thrift store, and while you have to dig for buried treasure, sometimes your labor is fruitful!

It's much uglier on the hanger. Size 18, with corset ties in the back, which I really like. I didn't straight up love the color, but thought it might be much nicer once I finished it. I actually had a moment of buyer's remorse later in the day, but shrugged it off. Once I got home to look at it, I felt very inspired. I took off the buttons and sewed up the front, much in the same way that I did with the red dress for the premiere ball gown a few months back. Then I removed the shoulder pads and sleeves. Much more better already! I took in the sides from the bottom of the sleeve down to the waist, and left it at that to see how it looked. Since the dress was too big for me, there was a chance the fabric would flare out a bit and give me a more defined waist. It worked rather well too. Last thing was to fix that neckline. I cut straight down the back of the gown about an inch, also an inch on both sides of the shoulders, folded it all under and sewed. I had to do that twice before I was satisfied with the look. That seemed to finish it all very nicely. It is very much see through, so I put a black slip and tank top underneath it. And voila!!

Very nice I think! I plan to find a poofy skirt to add underneath it a la 50's cocktail dress, for more formal events, but I really love the look of this! Black gloves and pearls, ya feel me? But this will do for the picture.. (can't wait for post Halloween sales, omg!)

I still think it needs a leeeetle something, maybe black lace at the collar? But the joy of refashions is how much you get to play with an outfit! And this is just un-costumey enough for church or something.

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