Wednesday, August 5, 2015

To Dye For!

Me again! Today's refash is very simple, nothing more than giving a garment a dye bath. Here goes!

This is what happens when you're too lazy to get a proper before picture. Said picture doesn't do the dress justice to the color of it. Think that yellow green crayon that never gets used.. That particular color doesn't really do anything for me (i.e. it's ugly, ok?) So I pulled out the one bottle of dye I own (which I also used for that ugly red gown that I turned into a beautiful evening gown.. Dark blue and yellow green? Sure to be a nice final color.

And sure 'nuff! As I watched the dye take, I was filled with delight in my very innermost soul!! The final result was a couple shades lighter than I thought it would be, and I liked the darker color, but this is a very nice, pretty color, and I'm very pleased with it!! (And I still have some blue dye leftover, yay!!

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