Monday, October 12, 2015

What Took Me So Long? Simplest Refashion Ever.

Well I have had this pretty thing in my refash stash for at least a year. I had hoped to make some kind of Regency era inspired costume out of it, but it really wasn't long enough, and after the last refash I did with a very similar lacy gown, I knew just what to do!!

Really there were several possibilities, but all I ended up doing was removing the sleeves and of course the shoulder pads. The sleeves weren't that bad after the shoulder pads were gone, but I tucked them in to see what it looked like sleeveless, and loved it! It suits spring/summer better anyway.

Very elegant and streamlined. I will get a longer slip to go underneath it, but that's it! Btw, those shoes were originally $40, and I got them for $5!!!! Win!!!!!

The good thing about the buttons is that I could unbutton most of them and pair this with a cami and pants, that seems to be a new look that can work (but only with the right combination of color and such.) I like versatility, especially when the original garment is so inexpensive! This was $5 or less, I don't remember exactly...

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