Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Garage Sale Goodie Bags pt.1

I've been absent for quite awhile, I've been busy filming various projects, and between that, acting class, rehearsals for the upcoming Passion Play, my creative flow needed a little break. But here I am, debuting a few new things. Most of them won't be anything spectacular, just some nips and tucks if you will, but still, the fun and adventure continues! I have a super duper, so excited I can hardly wait refash coming up, but I can't debut it until after a certain event where I will wear said refash.... my first ever feature film premiere!!!!

But more on that later, here's today's project.

Not bad, actually. It's a bit too big, but eh.. I like it well enough as is, just wanted a little tweaking. Btw, with the title, I got to a garage sale as they were closing up, and they handed me a plastic bag and told me to fill it up for a dollar!!! I got 12 items! This is one of them. My new blouse cost me about $0.08 cent. I'm beyond cool with that. Almost as good as free! There is something to hitting garage sales at the end of the day.. (beats having to get up early on a Saturday too!)

Anyhoo, the only sewing I did on this was to change the neckline a bit, and then added a belt so I wouldn't look lumpy. Nothing special, but I think it's cute. Here's the finished product.

The neckline is a touch lower than I would have liked, although you can't tell in this pic. No biggie really. Never try to cut something while you are wearing it, you will cut it crooked. I was being lazy. Laziness doesn't profit anyone. There, now you know. 

Like I said, nothing special, but it's very comfortable, and cute, so I'm happy!

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