Tuesday, December 23, 2014

All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go

Hello beautifuls!! Here I am debuting my favorite refashion yet!!! (Alas and I still have adjustments to make on it, as I didn't realize until I put it on for pictures, but I'm ready to show you anyway!) Be advised that the pictures do not do it justice, for some reason getting a good angle was not going to happen today.

Here is the before!

I've been wanting to do something like this since Jillian from Refashionista debuted an awesome pants to dress refash! Process pics were very difficult to get for some reason, you couldn't tell what I was doing aside from hemming stuff, so I'll just cut to the chase and show the afters!

Ta da!! I'm super excited about how it turned out! I think I will tighten the straps a bit, and pull the top up a little higher, it wasn't sitting quite right.. or maybe I just need better.. support.. for this garment. Kudos to my brother for giving me advice on the jewel and ribbon placement, and overall finesse of the garment!

I cut my head off in this pic because the pose and angle were good, and I WASN'T smiling. Grrr.  I'm very happy about it though! Now I just need an occasion to wear it!

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