Sunday, January 12, 2014

$1 Alterations!

Hello again! I have a whole pile of refashions waiting to happen! Thrift store shopping after Christmas is so much fun! My best find so far has been a beautiful porcelain doll (Name brand tag still attached) for $1.50 because it was half off day at Salvation Army! I absolutely love such good deals! 

Today's post isn't so much a refashion as it is a mere alteration. In fact, compared to some of my other refash's, these were a little bit on the boring side, so I'm including two before and after's, to make up for lost time a bit. Here is the first one. Found it at a mom and pop thrift store I'd never seen before.

Not a thing wrong with it, aside from being at least two sizes too large. Easy fix, really. Here is the altered top.

There's not a vast difference really, it's supposed to be a loose fitting top, but now it doesn't look miles too big. (Like my new 'do'?) I didn't get pics of the alteration process, there really wasn't much point. I took it in on the sides and put some darts on the chest. (I have considered adding some bead work to the neckline to add a little interest, but don't know if that would be too officey/middle aged? Thoughts?) I could always wear a long necklace with it...

Here is my second top, and this one is a little more interesting.

I really love all things blue! And needed a top that might be a bit more professional. Apparently blue is the color to wear to auditions, so this'll be great for a business role!
I don't know if you can really see the ribbon/string/cord things hanging from the sleeves? I suppose they were for tying into a bow, or a knot if you prefer, but I found it highly annoying, and didn't want them dangling off my arms all day. I tied them into a very tight knot, and turned the shirt inside out, pinned the cords inside the sleeves, sewed them down, snipped off the rest and voila! They will not be missed!

After pic

Much more better! More fitted, although it may not be so obvious in a picture, I can certainly tell the difference. I didn't have to put darts in this one, it kinda already had them, all I had to do was take it in on both sides by about an inch and a half on each side. 

So, two like new, beautiful blouses for $1 a piece! It really doesn't get better! 

Just for kicks and giggles, I'll show before and afters of my hair, since I got it cut this week.


I 100% prefer my hair long, and every time I get it cut I regret it, but I can't really do anything with it when it's that long. Maybe I just haven't found the right cut yet, haha. 

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