Sunday, January 5, 2014

Life in the Abstract

Last night I was stricken with painting fever. I'm decent with drawing, but painting is a bird of another color. (Color, get it?) I pulled out an old canvas on which I'd already attempted a Pinterest Inspiration. 

Well this isn't terrible, but I was not satisfied. So I just held on to it, as I can't abide the thought of wasting anything (as my craft room is testimony of, scraps EVERYWHERE!) 

Then last night the bug hit me, so I pulled out this little used canvas, and went to town. I had visions of peacocks dancing through my head, but even I knew my pitiful skill in this art would not match my vision. However, you have to start somewhere, so start I did!

I didn't think to get process pics, but those really aren't necessary for this kind of thing. I finished and let the paint dry.

Well that's kinda cool I guess. Considering I didn't realize until I reached for the yellow just how few paints I really have. I will be hitting Hob Lob soon to fix that problem.. But somehow I just wasn't satisfied yet. I just decided to let it dry and worry about it tomorrow, it was midnight anyway, and Sunday School comes early.

Came back to it today. Decided to mix a touch more of the green, but didn't want to mix it with anything else.

And voila! Much more better! I think all I did was add the green here and there. Now to hang it somewhere. My guest bathroom is a violent shade of green, in fact it almost matches the green on this painting. There is also a watermelon pink shade on one wall of this bathroom. I will not show you pictures of said color combination, haha. My husband has a two year rule on painting, therefore the colors remain, besides, those colors will make for a fantastic kiddie bathroom one day, so I may just leave it as is. (It was supposed to be a charming beach theme.) Once in the bathroom, I turned it on it's side, and liked it even better!

What is that great fish sitting on top of, you may ask? Why the toilet of course, which no-one needs to see. I think it looks rather nice!

Here is a closeup.

That was my little adventure in paint. I rather enjoyed it, and I think I'll start painting more often. I still have that vision of a gorgeous peacock floating in my head, and it must out!

Love, peace, and blessings!

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