Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's been awhile.

So it's been for-ev-er since I've posted. I couldn't figure out what I was doing so quit like a quitter. I hang my head in shame. Anyhoo... I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'ma give it a better try this time. I shall start by attempting to upload a few pics, my first few refashions. Crossing fingers....

Aaaaand I don't know how to do that either. Sheesh. Ok it looks like I need to create a Picasa Web Album.   So that is what I shall do.

In other news, my acting career has more or less taken off (more on the less side right now), I've done a critically acclaimed short film entitled 'Velvet Road', for which I was nominated Best Actress in the Chicago Horror Film Festival (2012). Woot! I have also recently 'won' a walk on role in the major feature film 'The Prodigal', a faith based, redemptive filmed based on, you guessed it, the story of 'The Prodigal'! Super duper excited! Oooh, and I also have my very own IMDb link! Double woot!

You can view my IMDb page here:

In other other news, hubby and I just passed our 3 year anniversary!!!! I love him! I love us! It's been a good 3 years. Here's to the rest of forever! (Holds up imaginary goblet).

Much luv!

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