Saturday, October 1, 2011

Beautiful Living!

Hello lovelies! Welcome to my blog! I'm pretty excited, I've never had a blog before, so we'll see how this goes. I've been so inspired by all the DIY, artsy-craftsy blogs I've been following, and even though I'm only a very amatuer DIY-er, I figured I'd like to share, and be shared with!

I love my house and home, I love my life, and I ADORE my husband! I'm a blessed woman indeed! My family consists of my wonderful gift-from-God husband Chris, and my fuzzy middle-aged dog, Chewy (Chewbacca). We hope to add another pup to the mix eventually, but perhaps not for awhile yet. We also hope to add babies (YAY) to the mix eventually... ;D

I'm an aspiring actress (more on that later), and I want to bring glory to God with the talents that He has graciously given me, (definitely more on that later ;), and I've just recently begun broadening my social life as well, YAY! I've never been the social butterfly type, but I enjoy company, sometimes sitting quietly, just watching and listening.

I love acting (obviously), crafting, sewing, knitting, crochet, painting, ideating (i-dee-ai-ting), and exercising (haha just kidding).

The sight of colorful craft projects (even on someone else's blog) thrills me to my fingertips!!!!! I'm in love with colors! Blue is my alltime favorite (maybe because my husband's eyes are blue... sigh... ) in the middle tones. Really light, or really dark blues don't quite cut it, most of the time. Greens are also vundervul... again, really light or really dark, not so much, and purples as well... Cool colors... I'm sensing a theme here. The colors on peacock feathers... yeah, that about sums it up... Just the sight of one of those multi colored beauties will send me in spasms, digging for my wallet... yikes!

I will say tho, in spite of my love for cool colors, I have one kitchen wall accented a dark red, and I luuuuurve it! I have a faint question darting around my head as to whether a reddish shade might make my master bath pop, but I'm too chicken to answer that question yet. I'm still trying to decide on my master bedroom... sigh, so much wonderful work to do! And my husband used to own his own painting business, so he knows EXACTLY how painting ought to be done.. YAY! What a money saver! hee hee hee.... I'll get pics of my more colorful rooms and share eventually, I hope you'll luuuurve them as much as I do! Especially my blue room, it's everyone's favorite!

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