Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Here is my first official refashion. Why I decimated a beautiful dress just for the hot pink skirt, I will never know. I guess you could say I got scissor happy. The dress never fit me right, but I could've just given it away... So sad. Well I've still got the black lace that I intend to decorate many lovely things with in the future. I have a 'true' refashion coming up soon and very soon. It's nearly complete, not 100% satisfied with the top at the moment, but Lord willing, my fingers shall not fail me! Maybe I'll be finished in time for my kid brother's graduation next weekend.. what? Already? Gasp! Feelin old, feelin old.

(Confession: That skirt isn't fixed up properly. It wouldn't hem at the tope because I don't know what I'm doing, pant pant.. so I had to hike it up my waist, and hold it in place with a belt. It'll look better with the black shirt un-tucked I think, but that'll have to do until I can figure out how to hem it and still get it over my hips. No, I don't want to put a zipper in it, idk how to do that either. What kind of seamstress do I think I am anyway? haha.. Hey, I'm learning, gimme a break!)

Much luv!

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