Thursday, December 5, 2013

Coral Refashion. Can't Wait For Spring!

Hello again! Today I'm showing a new favorite refashion. This coral two piece, way too big dress probably was the hot thing for office or church wear in it's day, but I'm going to give it a new spin!

As you can see, it needed a bit of lovin.
Unfortunately, I lost my pictures of the refashion process when I ordered a new phone, my old one decided to stop working when I tried to transfer info to the computer. Bum. You'll just have to use your imagination.

I toyed with multiple ideas but finally decided to chop the top sleeves off and go for a mid length maxi. I had been so happy about the fact that this dress had a zipper, then realized with chopping off, that it would need a new zip. I rummaged around my notions, and found a white zipper. It's not the invisible kind, but I liked the contrast. So I put on my brave face and attempted my first ever zip. (After I watched a few tutorials, haha). It was a 'zip-cess'! (Say Cheeeeeeeese!) 
I had to take it in around the bust for a more fitted look, (and so it would actually stay on), and it actually took me two tries to take it in, gah! Even then I still had to take it in around the bust (there's an actual name for that, that I'm sure I'll remember once I hit the 'publish' button.). So now my pretty dress wouldn't fall off of me when I walked. I'd given myself plenty of room up top for modesty purposes, but was still worried about the dress just not staying put. So I thought about getting some white ribbon for straps, to match the white zip in the back. 
Then I realized the detail on the jacket (where it buttons up) was rather pretty, and wouldn't be so tacky if it was turned into halter straps. So halter straps I made. Sewed up the slit in the back just a bit, and my new comfy dress was ready Freddie!

I really like it, and it's got that comfy, southern, summer feel, so even though it's December, (78 degrees outside, I'm in The South ya'll), I may wear it whenever I choose anyway, and not wait til spring. Maybe I'll set a new trend, haha..
I think I will eventually raise that hem a couple of inches, but I'll do that later.

Much love!

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