Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lots and lots of yarn

A few months ago I finally learned how to crochet a granny square, yay youtube tutorials! Oh the joy, now I can make those amazing blankets I keep seeing on Pinterest! I grabbed a gorgeous dark aqua green color and made a whole bunch of squares! I started laying them out on the floor after I'd made about a dozen or so, I wanted to make a blanket big enough to cover my king size bed. After about twenty squares, I laughed and said, 'ok, smaller blanket it is!' I did the math on how many squares I'd have to do for a throw sized blankie, and wished I'd been a lot more smart, and a little less enthusiastic. 130 granny squares later, in several alternating colors, and I was done! This took a couple of weeks. Then I had the pleasure of realizing that my simple plan of sew/crocheting them together with some awesome black yarn to offset the colors, couldn't be done the way I wanted, and I had to individually crochet a black edge and then attach them together. I don't know what it is about me and doing things the hard way.. Here are the colors I chose.

What did they combine into?

Ta da!! The first blanket I've ever completed! (If you don't count small, basic baby blankets.) I actually made more than 130 squares, but I somehow missed that I had two more light green squares to attach in the middle, and went ahead with red, purple, and such.. Didn't discover my mistake til it was too late, at which point I just laughed and carried on anyway. This project was fun to do while watching movies and riding in the car. 

Just finished another fun refashion, hope to have pictures and blog post up soon!

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