Monday, September 16, 2013

DIY Puzzle Pictures

Good afternoon everyone! This post will be a slight break from refashions, and will be more crafty. Today's project I'm talking about is no stroke of genius, but a very fun project nonetheless.

I'm talking about puzzles! 

I found this wonderfully tempting Thomas Kincade puzzle of one of my favorite movies, 'Gone With The Wind.' It was only $8 at Walmart! (See, Walmart is good for some things..)

Isn't it just gorgeous? I'm dying over here, look at the color combinations! This thousand piece beauty took me less than a month to finish, and with the exception of the top left corner (the tree branches from those two trees), I enjoyed every minute of it! I was actually kind of sad when it was over. :( I didn't want to take it apart though, and decided to get it framed. So I carefully turned it over and applied some Mod Podge to the back. Two or three layers was sufficient and I set out to find a frame. (Note: If you do this, keep the puzzle flat at all times, even after the glue dries, otherwise it will find a way to bend somehow.) I was unable to find a frame that I could in good conscience pay for, so I bought a piece of white cardboard and glued the puzzle to that. A visit to my favorite Hob Lob store for some hanging clips (the kind you can push in, eeeek!) And it was ready to hang. Now it sits upon my wall (crooked, no less, haha), but lovely and refreshing to see. (The rest of my house is not so refreshing to see, but that's another matter for another day. :)

Isn't it all cute being crooked? Why yes, I do have stuffed animals and ancient, handmade quilts lounging on my couch. I'm not going to tell you that it took me about two weeks to realize the picture was crooked either.

Later I will post about a few other super fun, crafty things I've tried my hand at over the past few years, (Thank you Pinterest!) Bible study tonight, gotta go!

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