Thursday, June 18, 2015

From School Marm to Country Chic

Hello again!! 

I found this... thing at a thrift store for a couple bucks, and loved the color so I figured it'd be a keeper somehow or another. I THINK I originally had a very grand idea for this dress, but either forgot about it, or just decided it wouldn't work. Most of my grand ideas require stretchy fabric, which this is not, so...

I felt like Laura Ingalls, minus the scandalous showing of my legs. Who said shoulder pads were hot anyway? Moving on...

This ended up being a much simpler refash than I thought it would be. Chop the length, chop the sleeves, chop the uglies that call themselves shoulder pads... chop ALL the things!!!! Normally I'd carve and sew up the neckline but decided to just unbutton a couple buttons and let it lay flat for a casual comfy look. I thought about taking it in but decided to be lazy, not everything has to be fitted.

So this is what happened.

I mean, cute!!!! Right? And SHORT!!!! Whew! While some folks are perfectly comfortable with this kind of length, I am not. I don't wear any skirt/dress type of thing that makes me feel like my toochus is showing. Nope! But now what, cause it's super cute!!! I still had the length I chopped,which was substantial, and I'm totally going to use it for a scarf/head tie/belt/general accessory. I was going to reattach it and then cut it into to a high low, but didn't think I'd like the look of it as much, not to mention the headache that I got just from THINKING about sewing it all back on evenly. My other idea was to get white lace fabric and make a skirt to go over it, which I've seen here and there. White lace was obtained, a basic skirt made, and I was very dubious about the whole look. I showed my fashion blind hub. He looked askance, so back to the drawing board it was. I sat on it for a while and then decided to take the plunge and just reattach it the aforementioned length, I could always take it back off again. Then inspiration struck! I had some white lace ribbon lurking amongst my sewing supplies. This is what happened.

Yaaas!!!! This was not as complicated and difficult as I had anticipated, all I did was take great care and sew slowly. 

I like!! It needs cowboy boots, which I do not possess. It's still just a tad short for my preference, but I think I can manage. I am pleased with how it turned out, gave it a nice finishing touch. All that being said, I don't think this look is really quite me, but I do like it. So, there's that. :)

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