Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Today's refashion is short, sweet, simple, and wasn't for me! It's for my little sis! (The following pictures are indeed her and not me, everyone says we look sooooo much alike... said resemblance I have simply never seen, but whatever.. it's her.)

She didn't like the lacy collar. She always tucked it in and wore a scarf over it, but I said I could fix it for her! (Btw, doesn't she look disgustingly fab in her makeupless, youthful self? I hate her.)

Chop chop. And ruh roh.

Lookie, I can fix it!!!!!! It's not cheating if it works right? I tried a seam ripper, but ended up ripping, well, seams, and I didn't feel like sewing them back together.

Ta da!!!!! Look, good as new, you can't even tell! You also can't tell where I dropped the sharpie on my light colored couch and left an eensy weensy mark... Moving on...

Here she is, glamming it up. So gorgeous. I shoulda taken a pic of the back, it's got white buttons down the back, so cute!!!

I love it when it's simple and easy to fix!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hello beautifuls!

I would like to announce that I started and completed a craft project within an hour (if you don't count taking a break to cook and eat lunch), AND I'm thrilled with the results! This may be a first for me! I've seen so many takes of the jewelry board on Pinterest, you know the kind, DIY corkboard, most of the time with some sort of horrific Chevron fabric? (I will probably never like Chevron.) Well they never really appealed to me, quite possibly because of the Chevron, and I just never saw the potential. Or maybe I'm a bit on the traditional side when it comes to jewelry storage. Either way, that all changed when I saw a friend's jewelry board when I was visiting the other day. I'm pretty sure she made hers too, and voila, Pinspiration struck! So I marched over to Hob Lob at the first chance, now that I can totally get their coupons via mobile phone rather than printing and cutting at home.. so convenient. While I'm there, hubs, who happened to be with me, told me he already had a small corkboard at the house, so I decided it might be VERY smart to test my DIY skills on some free stuff first. Genius!
This is today's craft project. Shall we begin?

Hello, my name is Heather I-like-to-do-everything-the-hard-way. There, now that that's out of the way...

Do you remember my hot pink skirt that I 'salvaged' from a really pretty semi-formal?

I ended up turning it into this ^, and never wearing it because it wasn't made properly and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Well I found a scrap of it in my scrap basket, and decided I might as well put the pink gorgeousness to usable use. 

I could have measured and then cut the fabric properly, but that'd be WAY too easy. Remember my name? So I cut around the board. At least I didn't make the mistake of cutting it too small. 

Now that I think about it, it probably would have looked nice if I'd glued it on like that, but whatever. As you can see, I needed to trim. Trim I did.

This wonderful round cloth cutter (there's an actual name for it) didn't cut for sour apples. Probably just the type of fabric. (I hope). It did make a nice line where it needed to be cut, so I pulled out the scissors and cut it the old fashioned way.

This is what happened ^. All around the inside edge here and there. But I did not despair. You see that hint of blue poking out from underneath it? I had an idea!

Thank the Lord for hot glue guns!!! Much as I love Mod Podge, I wasn't sure it was the glue for this job.

True to form, I did NOT measure properly when trimming that ribbon, and didn't realize til it was kinda too late that I didn't have quite enough. Fortunately I was able to hide the short ends underneath the longer ends (makes perfect sense huh?), and salvaged everything beautifully! (Just ignore the drop of hot glue that landed on the pink fabric, making me howl in frustration until I realized I could easily cover it up with the jewelry.. pretend that didn't happen, k?)

Here it is!!!!! I love it!!!!! The board is 11x17, not nearly large enough for my jewelry collection, but perfect for watches and bracelets! (I don't think I own any real jewelry besides my wedding ring, haha..) So now that I've had a relatively good first run through, I will be planning out a much larger board for the rest of my Charming Charlie collection!

Update: I discovered today (two days later) that I pinned all my jewelry on this board upside down. The two hooks are on the bottom of the board, which means I need to repin and relocate all the jewelry so I can turn it right side up to hang it. The only reason this is really an issue is because the pins and fabric combination of this project leaves unsightly holes. Grrr. I may just skip it and put a new clip on the back of the board so I don't have to re-arrange anything.)

What is your latest Pinspiration?