Friday, July 24, 2015

To Refashion A Refashion

Sooo I think last year sometime I bought this Asian style dress, and was sure I could do something fun with it.

I cut it in half to make it into a two piece, this way they could function as separates, and was accosted with problems. I started putting a zipper on the skirt part and stopped halfway through. I ended up shelving the project after my enthusiasm died down, so it sat in my closet for about a year. I found it again and took another look and decided I didn't care, and went to toss it. Then I looked at the skirt again and an inspiration struck!

Hot glue gun, the skirt part, and mod podge to make the fabric shiny.. and then I thought to add some sparkly funness to it! 

Could not get a proper picture of it, but that's the general idea! Now where to hang it..... So when you have a refashion that doesn't cut it, take a second look and see if it could work as something else. I'd rendered it useless with the way I'd cut it, so at least I was able to salvage something.