Sunday, November 30, 2014

Refashion or refitting?

Hello beautifuls! 

Today's post isn't really a refashion, I didn't do anything fancy shmancy, I just fitted the garment, but I really like it! I wore it to church today, and got the most comments on it that I think I've ever had on a refash, so yay!! Here's the original.

Sorry no process pics, I got a little lazy. I took out the shoulder pads, took everything in, and removed the sleeves. I LOVE it!! Yay for finding peplum that (mostly) suits me!

I have a really fun refashion-that-is-definitely-a-real-refashion coming up, it's almost finished!!! Super excited, it will probably be my favorite!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Wallpaper Blouse

"Nice dress, looks like wallpaper... Uh, pretty wallpaper!" Line off a Mel Gibson movie with Elijah Wood. So this was my version of pretty wallpaper clothes. I've been gone for most of October filming a movie called, 'The Return' in Wisconsin. I actually made one of the costumes for it, I can't wait to show you guys! This is my first refashion since coming home.

Not so very dreadful really, just too big. And still smelled like it's former owner, very strongly, though fortunately it is not an unpleasant smell. Rare for thrift store clothes, eh? But as soon as I saw it I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it! I don't think I got any process pictures of this one, so it'll just be befores and afters.

Ta da!! I really love it! I cut off the black sleeves and shoulders, took it in on the sides, and left the collar as is. I fastened it with a belt because I didn't take it in quite enough, and just didn't feel like working on it, when a belt does the job fantastically.

There wasn't enough material in the back to hide the bra strap, it just wasn't going to happen, so I tried to sew some of the black from the sleeves to the back of the shirt to make up the difference, and that wasn't going to happen, so I just went with this awesome black modesty panel/tube thing. This top is a bit more casual, so I don't mind the black showing in the back. Very comfortable, very wearable, very cute!