Sunday, May 4, 2014

Paint and Yarn

I've had this project sitting around for several months, completed. I didn't post it because it was a gift. I was finally able to give it yesterday, it's a blankie for my niecey-poo Lorelei, who will grace us with her presence sometime next month! I love this one, and am tempted to make something similar for myself!

It took about two months to make (mostly because I greatly underestimated how much yarn I needed.. several times.) I wanted a spring flowers theme. Perfect for a little girl!!

My next project was something I started and actually completed on the same night! Thank you Pinterest for the inspiration!

This was tons and tons of fun to do! I started running out of ideas after awhile, but managed to squeeze a good bit of variety in for each section. My favorites are the yellow and pink circles, and the pink and white swirlies next to it. I hung it in the bathroom for now, I don't think it'll stay there though.

You've seen this fish before.

It's such a wonderful feeling to finish an art project and love it, as opposed to saying, 'well, I tried anyway.'